
GLP Show Critiques

Ladies Kennel Association – 14th December 2024

JUDGE: Tom Graham


1st Perry’s Lindelaan Falcon just 6 mths, dog & handler at their very first show, promising youngster with a balanced head, good ear set, ample bone & depth for age, sufficient ribbing, needs time to learn the ropes, moved positively BPIB


1st Martin’s Sarscottah Fusilier At Larabar, masculine head, good dark eye & ear set, strong true front with good bone & feet, ample depth, good ribbing & substance, shown in lovely condition, moved out well with reach & drive. RBD


1st Thomson’s Sarscottah Fearless Flame, this boy is as his name states ‘fearless’, very happy chappie who scores in head, neck & shoulders, lovely depth & ribbing, at 13 mths is so full of quality, well balanced body, strong in loin & rear, in good coat & condition, moved very free & together covering the ground well, must have a bright future BD/BOB


1st Cottam’s Sarscottah Cloudburst, in super condition for 8 yrs, this girl is feminine all through, stood true, lovely depth & ribbing, good substance, moved with purpose. BVIB

JB (2 1)

1st Cottam & Verbruggen’s Sarscottah Flaming Heart, very feminine, balanced head, straight front with substance, good depth & ribbing, maturing in the right direction, moved out well & steady.

PGB (2 1)

1st Thomson’s Sarscottah Eclipse, another girl full of breed type, balanced all through, good bone & substance, well ribbed up, in good condition, moved freely at one with handler. RBB

OB (3)

1st Thomas’ Sophisticated Lady, full matured girl, has lovely ring presence, stands true on all fours, feminine throughout, in super coat & condition, moved very free, covering the ground well BB

2nd Thomson’s IR Sh Ch Sarscottah Delux another quality girl, plenty of substance throughout, stood true, in good coat & condition, moved positively, unlucky to meet winner on fine form today.

3rd Wright’s Caldera Coral Dawn At Lassemista.


Gundog Society of Wales – 16th October 2024

JUDGE: Tricia Grime

Puppy. 2

1st, Sarscottah Fearless Flame (Ms S S Thomson) mature well balanced puppy for his age, strong head but dark eye and good length of ear, clean muscular neck, well laid shoulder and good depth of rib, strong topline and well muscled for his age. Strong boned with compact feet, moved well with good reach and drive. RBD & BP

2nd, Sarscottah Flaming Heart (Mr N & Miss G Cottam & Verbruggen) promising young bitch, feminine head and lovely expression, she has a good frame to mature into, good bone and feet, needs to drop in brisket and strengthen in front but has time on her side.

Post Graduate. 2

1st, Sarscottah Eclipse (Ms S S Thomson) nice looking, well made bitch liked her head and feminine expression, well feathered ears, good body and depth of rib, well off for bone. Unfortunately she was slipping on the carpet and wasn’t very settled, but covered her ground well on the move.

2nd, Sarscottah Du Specktacular (Mr J & Mrs S Speck) feminine head and kind expressive eyes, clean neck and level topline, good depth of rib, very unsettled on the move and needs to tighten in front but good drive from the rear.

Limit, 1

1st, Sarscottah Delux (Ms S S Thomson) lovely head and dark expressive eye, well feathered ears, clean neck, good length and depth of rib, short strong loin, good bone and feet, presented in good coat and condition, moved well in profile but need to tighten up in front.

Open. 3

1st, Sarscottah Dalglish (Mr D & Miss D Roberts & Kent) mature masculine dog, balanced head with aristocratic appearance. Clean neck into strong topline with well developed front and deep chest, strong bone and compact feet, strong well muscled hindquarters, shown in good coat and condition, covered the ground well with strong driving action. BD

2nd, Sophisticated Lady (Mrs L & Mr P & Miss S Thomas & Taylor & Richards) mature, feminine bitch, nice head with dark expressive eye. Clean neck into well laid shoulders, good depth of rib, well bodied with short strong loin, well muscled but a touch heavy today, moved soundly but lacked animation. RBB

3rd, Caldera Coral Dawn at Lassemista (Mr D & Mrs A Wright) lovely elegant bitch, feminine head and expression, needs to mature in body but shown in good coat and condition, just not very settled on the move.

Veteran. 1

1st, Sarscottah Cloudburst (Mr Cottam) very well balanced both standing and on the move, lovely feminine head and dark expressive eye, clean muscular neck into well laid shoulder, good depth of rib and strong topline, strong bone with compact feet, not showing her age, moved well with good reach and drive, pleased to award her BB and BV

City of Birmingham – 1st September 2024

JUDGE: Mrs J Peak

SBD (1)

1st Gale, Cadanbyrig Fire And Ice 21 months male pleasing head and expression, clean
neck, good legs and feet, bit narrow in chest and thin through, needs to settle on the move


1st Siebers & Mons, Int Ch Vidar V.d. Laarsche Velden 9 yrs old male pleasing type, good head proportions nice eye and expression, good pigment, plenty bone, good legs and feet, strong body
well ribbed back moved well in front touch close behind

PD (1)

1st Thomson, Sarscottah Fearless Flame – BP, BJ and RCC 10 months old male very nice type, pleasing head and expression, good pigment, clean neck and shoulders, plenty bone straight legs, good feet, body well balanced, moved well

JD (1)

1st Thomson, Sarscottah Fearless Flame Repeat

PGD (3)

1st Byrne, Caldera Coeur De Neige – 2 1/2 yr old male very nice type, good head and expression, correct eye, ears well set, plenty bone, straight legs, strong body well ribbed back good quarters and set on moved soundly CC

2nd Martin Sarscottah Fusilier At Lorabar 10 months male still very immature, clean neck and front assembly, nice body and outline, just needs time and to settle on the move

3rd Gale, Cadanbyrig Fire And Ice

OD (2)

1st Siebers, & Mons, Int Ch Hasko V.d. Laarsche Velden 4 1/2 yr male pleasing type, good head proportions, clean neck, plenty bone, straight legs, good feet, body well balanced going into well muscled quarters, moved poorly behind good in front. Like more reach and drive

2nd Roberts & Kent, Sarscottah Dalglish 21 months male nice head shape, strong neck, plenty bone, good legs and feet, strong body well ribbed back, good quarters and set on. Went soundly

SBB (1)

1st Connor, Cadanbyrig Ice And Roses At Demelvilles 21
months old bitch pleasing head and expression, plenty bone, nice legs and feet, body well
balanced, went soundly BSB

VB (2)

1st Cottam, Sarscottah Cloudburst 7 1/2 yr old bitch good head and expression, clean neck and shoulders, plenty bone, straight legs, good feet, nice body well ribbed back, went well BV, CC and BOB

2nd Smart, Questor Layla At Cadanbyrig 9 yrs old bitch pleasing head proportions nice eye, ears well set, good bone, body well balanced, went

PB (2)

1st Stone, Sarscottah Falling Leaves 10 months bitch pleasing type shown in good coat and condition. Good head shape, nice eye and expression, clean neck, plenty bone, nice body and balance, went well

2nd Cottam & Verbruggen, Sarscottah Flaming Heart 10 months bitch completely out of coat. Good head shape, clean neck, straight legs, needs to settle and grow a coat

JB (1)

1st Stone, Sarscottah Falling Leaves Repeat

PGB (4,1)

1st Connor, Caldera Crimson
Glory At De Melville 2 yrs old bitch pleasing head and expression, good neck and front assembly, enough bone, straight legs, good feet, nice body and outline, quarters well muscled with good set on, went well

2nd Smart, Cadanbyrig Snow Dancer 21 months bitch good head shape, nice eye and expression, good neck and shoulders, straight legs, nice body well ribbed, went soundly

3rd Connor, Cadanbyrig Ice And Roses At Demelvilles

LB (3)

1st Wright, &  Wright, Caldera Coral Dawn At Lassemista 2 1/2 yr bitch nice type, good head proportions, nice eye and expression good pigment, clean neck and shoulders, plenty bone, nice body and balance giving a pleasing outline, moved well with reach and drive RCC

2nd Thomson, Sarscottah Delux 2 yr old bitch pleasing head, like better front assembly, plenty bone, straight legs, body well ribbed back, bit soft in topline, quarters well muscled,

3rd Smart, Cadanbyrig Marin

OB (1)

1st Thomas, Sophisticated Lady 5 yr old bitch pleasing head and expression, good pigment, strong neck shoulders well laid, plenty bone, good legs and feet, body well muscled and ribbed back, quarters enough angulation, good set on, went soundly

GCB (1)

1st Wright & Wright, Caldera Coral Dawn At Lassemista

German Longhaired Pointer Club Special Award Classes – 1st September 2024

JUDGE: Victoria Wilkins

Thank you to the committee of the German Longhaired Pointer Club – especially Julia Tuck – for their invitation and kindness on the day. I would like to thank the exhibitors for their kind support to have such a great quantity of dogs to judge. There was a considerable variance in type, but all dogs I judged were turned out in muscular condition regardless of age which for me is extremely important in a working breed. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the ring and wish you all the best of luck exhibiting in future.

J D/B (2,1)

1st Stone’s Sarscottah Falling Leaves. Plenty of character about this youngster – lovely expression with good proportions of skull to muzzle. Nice clean neck into good shoulders, with a good depth of chest and brisket. Well ribbed back with nice angulations fore and aft. Moved well in profile showing good reach and drive – such a happy dog and thoroughly enjoyed her time in the ring.

PG D/B (7,1)

1st Smart’s Cadanbyrig Snow Dancer. This bitch won the class on movement and condition, and both 1 and 2 were shown in excellent hard, muscular condition which I really appreciated. Feminine girl but still retains the core strength this working breed should have. Good earset and skull/muzzle proportions, leading into strong neck and correct sloping shoulders. Good depth of chest and forechest, strong hindquarters with good bend of stifle. She held her topline on the move and had great drive and grace on the move.

2nd Connor’s Cadanbyrig Ice and Roses at De Melvilles. Litter sibling to 1st place and similar comments apply as the litter has lovely breed type and quality with a cheeky personality. Needs to settle on the move to reach her full reach and drive potential. Another one turned out in great, hard condition, her muscling was absolutely excellent. Super in shoulder and front angulation, strong substantial body. Tail carriage and topline held well on the move.

O D/B (6,1)

1st Wright’s Caldera Coral Dawn at Lassemista. Such a lovely example of the breed – free, easy and graceful mover who eats up the ring as she glides around. She has good balance and reach from the front and drive from behind. Turned out in great condition, with correct coat texture and furnishings. She had a beautiful head an expression with the characteristic ‘aristocratic’ appearance. Good shoulders and depth of chest, well ribbed back and good angulation in hindquarters. Good strong topline and sloping croup. Really lovely girl.

2nd Roberts’ Sarscottah Dalglish. What a powerful dog and great mover – great drive from behind and reach in front, with long, free-striding gait. Still young and plenty of maturity to come but he is balanced throughout. He has great tail carriage on the move, I preferred the front movement of the bitch today as he is less tidy coming towards. He has good coat and furnishings, correct ear feathering and good proportions in muzzle and skull, with dark eye. Lovely strong neck, well-ribbed back and strong in hindquarters.

Victoria Wilkins (Velvetquest)

German Longhaired Pointer Club – 1st September 2024

JUDGE: Tracy Boyles

It has been a real privilege and honour to be invited to judge the GLP Club open show. A very efficient well-run show, ran by a very hard working and friendly team.

VD (1)

1st Siebers Int Ch Vidar V.d. Laarsche Liked this 8-year-olds head and expression, he is balanced throughout, held his topline on the move, movement true in both directions.

PD (1)

1st Thomson Sarscottah Fearless Flame 10 months a lot to like here, substantial bone correct head and eye shape. For his age is nicely balanced well layed shoulders, good depth of chest and well ribbed back, good angulation and moved steadily today. He has typical personality for the breed Reserve BD & BPIS

YD (1)

1st Gale Cadanbyrig Fire & Ice, 20 months good head, and eye placement, has the correct reach of neck, a little short in upper arm, ribs well sprung with the correct depth of chest, ribbed well back giving the correct height to length ratio. Developing into a smart young male.

BD (1)

1st Gale Cadanbyrig Fire & Ice as previous class

PGD (1)

1st Byrne Caldera Coeur De Neige this boy is maturing into a very nice dog, well grown with good bone, slightly broader in skull than I would prefer and not marked as I would like to see, neck of correct length, excellent shoulder placement, well filled at the front, good spring of ribs, reaching well back, short in loin, angles correct throughout, well-muscled moved with plenty of reach and drive, best movement of the day.

OD (2)

1st Roberts Sarscottah Dalglish one I have judged before, masculine dog who is very well balanced. Medium length neck. Level topline. Good depth of chest well filled front. Liked his turn of stifle and low hocks, He has an easy profile action and accurate movement. BD & Reserve BIS

2nd Siebers Int Ch Hasko V.d. Laarsche Velden another of nice type a little heavier in head than the first place, has a good front correct height to length ratio, correct proportions throughout, would prefer more drive from the rear.

VB (1)

1st Smart Quester Layla at Cadanbyrig Feminine head with a soft intelligent expression, well laid shoulders, forelegs straight leading to tight feet, well sprung rib leading back to a short loin, moved soundly. BVIS

PB (1)

1st Stone Sarscottah Falling Leaves litter sister to puppy dog, feminine head with a nicely shaped eye. Good length of neck, front developing well. Held her topline well, liked her rear.

YB (2)

1st Smart Cadanbyrig Snow Dancer femine young bitch, nicely grown such an easy mover. Liked her head. She has enough neck dropping into well angulated shoulders. In perfect balance nothing overdone. Holds a level topline.

2nd Connor Cadanbyrig Ice & Roses at Demelvilles feminine head with a soft expression, good length of neck, into well-laid shoulder, straight front, would prefer slightly more depth of chest, and a little bit more of her all round, moved soundly.

PGB (3) 1:

1st Connor Caldera Crimson Glory at De Melville feminine bitch good bone, balanced head, soft expression in a nicely shaped eye, straight front tight elbows, ribbed well back, well bent stifles, effortless free flowing movement with plenty of reach & drive.

2nd Connor Cadanbyrig Ice & Roses at Demelvilles.

LB (2)

1st Wright Caldera Coral Dawn at Lassemista Nice outline, clean lines. And well boned. Well-proportioned head and good finish to fore face. Good depth to chest and level topline. Well sprung rib reaching well back. Stands on good feet. Moved covering the ground well, her movement today was true and effortless. Delighted to award her BB & BIS

2nd Thomson Sarscottah Delux 2-year-old with pleasing head and eye, good bone, good reach of neck not quite the topline of one, presented in good coat. Moved well

OB (1)

1st Thomas Sophisticated Lady Brown roan, quality femine bitch, well boned, very nice head and eye, well-made front assembly. deep square muzzle, good length of neck flows into well-laid muscular shoulders, well filled front, good depth of rib, short loin and sloping croup carrying tail correctly, moved freely, reserve BB

FTB (1)

1st Smart Cadanbyrig Marin well put together bitch, has a very feminine head with lovely soft expression, good angles throughout.

Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland – 13th July 2024

JUDGE: Jenna Sturrock

Open (2,0abs)

1st Thomson’s Sarscottah Fearless Flame – 8 month old male. Good reach of neck and well laid back shoulders. Good depth of chest. Handsome head. Moved ok. Good tailset. BOB and BPIB

2nd Martin’s Sarscottah Fusilier At Lorabar – Litter mate to 1st. He too has a handsome head, although not got the finish to his muzzle as 1st. He needs to drop into his quarters, but moved out ok once settled.

Windsor Dog Show Society – 28th June 2024

JUDGE: Colin Woodward


1st Roberts & Kent Sarscottah Dalglish BD head slightly rounded and of good proportions, has the desired chiselling below the eyes, strong muzzle, slightly arched neck, firm topline to good tailset, decent depth of body and ribs, good legs and feet, shown in good coat condition, moved with style on a long stride

2nd Byrne Cadera Coeur De Neige RBD masculine head balanced in muzzle & skull, ears well set, clean neck of moderate length, clean outline, good legs and feet, coat in good order moved ok


1st Connor Cadavbyrig Ice and Roses at De Melvilles BSB Loved her sweet head with a nice soft expression good lay of shoulders with return of upper arm nice level topline balanced in outline strong on the rear with good hock nice on the move.


1st Stone Sarscottah Falling Leaves promising puppy of good shape, feminine head slightly rounded & good proportions of muzzle to skull, clean clean well angulated front assembly, body & ribs developing well, firm topline, good steady mover for one so young, one to watch for the future.

2nd Cottam & Verbruggen Sarscottah Flaming Heart Not as forward as one at present but shows promise, pleasing head & eye colour, muscular neck flows nicely into topline, ok for bone, clean outline, good tail, not as positive on the move as one


1st Smart Cadanbyrig Snow Dancer RBB 2 years, lovely balance throughout with touch of elegance pleasing head & expressive, clean well muscled neck to well angulated sloping shoulders & good length of upper arm, body well developed with good depth & ribs, well feathered straight front legs on good feet, moved out well on a long easy stride.

2nd Connor Caldera Crimson Glory At De Melvilles close up to one who also has an appealing well balanced head, ample length of neck leading to good front angles and firm topline, body well ribbed back, good legs and feet, sound mover

3rd Connor Cadavbyrig Ice And Roses at De Melvilles.


1st Thomas, Taylor & Richards Sophisticated Lady BB & BOB well balanced bitch with lovely feminine head with good chiselling below the eyes, ears set on high with good furnishings, moderate length of neck flows well into her good shoulder angulation & firm topline mature in body with good depth and ribs, good bone & feet, well presented coat, moved with style with good driving action

2nd Wright Caldera Coral Dawn At Lassemista pleasing head with good eye shape & colour, balanced in length of skull to foreface, strong jaws, well developed in body with strong loin, good legs and feet, tail carried well, moved with drive.

Bath Canine Society – 24th May 2024

JUDGE: Jeff horswell 


Veteran D/B (1)

1ST 5753 – Sarscottah Cloudburst (Mr Cottam)

Very easy mover, she is so v well balanced. Liked her fem head. She has a strongneck. Deep chest. Holds a firm topline. In v good muscle.


Puppy d/b (3)

All 6 mths old and very bouncy on the move.

1ST 5765 – Sarscottah Fearless Flame (Ms S S Thomson)

 Masc in head. Quite good in proportions and the best front action once settled. Enough neck. Quite a good front. Enough turn of stifle. Low hocks.

2ND 5761 – Sarscottah Falling Leaves (Mrs J Stone)

Fem b, slightly short in back for her leg length at moment. She has a lovely head. Lengthy neck lifting her front feet too high at the moment. Liked her rear.

3RD 5754 – Sarscottah Flaming Heart (Mr N & Miss G Cottam & Verbruggen)


Junior d/b (2)

1ST 5757 – Cadanbyrig Snow Dancer (Ms F C Smart)

 Fem young b, such an easy mover and so well schooled. Liked her head. Enough neck. She has moderate angulation but in perfect balance. Holds a level topline. Just needs to mature in body.

2ND 5764 – Sarscottah Eclipse (Ms S S Thomson)

Being rather flighty today. Liked her head. Lengthy neck. She was lifting her front a bit on the move. Slightly longer than 1 and not as firm in topline. V good head, enough neck. Could be firmer in pastern. Well made and muscled rear.


Post grad d/b (4,1)

1ST 5755 – Sarscottah Dalglish (Mr D & Miss D Roberts & Kent)

 Masc d who is v well balanced. He has an easy profile action and accurate out and back. Medium length neck. Level topline. Chest to his elbow. Well filled front. Liked his turn of stifle and low hocks.

2ND 5763 – Sarscottah Delux (Ms S S Thomson)

She is just a bit longer than 1 and can firm in topline. She has a v good head. Pasterns can firm. Strong and well muscled rear.

3RD 5760 – Sarscottah Du Specktacular (Mr J & Mrs S Speck)


Open d/b (2)

1ST 5762 – Sophisticated Lady (Mrs L & Mr P & Miss S Thomas & Taylor & Richards)

She is nicely matured and goes with a v easy stride, could just be tidier in front. Liked her head. V good eye and expression. Medium neck. Deep chest. Better filled front than 2. Super topline. Well bent stifle with low hocks.

2ND 5766 – Caldera Coral Dawn at Lassemista (Mr D & Mrs A Wright)

Just needs to body up, and found her a bit lean through. Liked her head with a lovely expression. Lengthy neck. Topline is ok. V good rear and moves well.


S Beginners D/B (2

1ST 5761 – Sarscottah Falling Leaves (Mrs J Stone)

Hampshire Gundog Society – 4th May 2024

JUDGE: Nicole Coe 


Sp Yearling 3:1

1st Smart Cadanbyrig Snow Dancer Solid brown 18mth Bitch, Medium size, her head was feminine with equal length of skull to muzzle, her ears were set close and well feathered, correct eye shape and colour, arched neck which ran smoothly in her shoulders which were correctly placed, she had a lovely depth to her ribcage and her topline was level, her rear angles were correct, her coat was correct and had correct feathering, she covered the ground with ease and style, shown in fit condition. BOB

2nd Gale Cadanbyrig Fire And Ice Solid Brown Male 18 mths litter brother to 1st another shown in fit condition, and a lot to like about him, masculine throughout but not overdone, correct head and ear set, his ears were correctly feathered, his eyes were medium in size and slightly oval, his muscular neck ran smoothly into his shoulders of which were correctly placed and his chest was of correct depth, his topline was level and he moved was ease and style, unfortunately out of coat today. RBOB pleased to see him gain 4th in the RBOB stakes.


Pgrad 1:0

1st Smart Cadanbyrig Marin Solid brown 5yr bitch of medium size, another feminine bitch shown in fit condition, her head was correct, her ears well set with correct feathering, her chest was deep, and her angles correct, her topline was level, her coat was correct and with the correct feathering, she moved with ease.


Open 1:0

1st Cottam Sarscottah Cloudburst White ticked 7.5yr Bitch up to size but balanced through out, feminine head of correct proportions, correct eye shape and colour, her ear set was correct and her ears had the correct feathering, her neck ran smoothly into her shoulders and her topline was level, she moved with ease but was just showing her age a little today.

2nd Smart Questor Layla At Cadanbyrig Solid Liver 9.5yr bitch, in great condition for her age, another medium sized feminine bitch with correct head , her ear set and feathering was correct, correct depth to her chest, just showing her age on the move today.

South of England Gundog Club – 31st March 2024

JUDGE: Yvonne Burchell 


Special Yearling (2,0)

1st Smart’s Cadanbyrig Snow Dancer – Free stands so well and naturally with such good balance showing her good angulation. Muzzle and skull of equal proportions with medium sized oval eyes, and ears framed just right. Level topline and well developed ribcage. Tail gently sloping from croup, straight, parallel rear pasterns and forelegs to compact feet. RBOB & Winner of RBOB Stakes where she had the opportunity to really use her good movement.

2nd Connor’s Cadanbyrig Ice and Roses at De Melvilles – Similar remarks as 1 apply and I note they are sisters and sure they will change places often as it was very close between the two. Although I felt this bitch was possibly a bit more mature at the moment and I preferred her bone, she wasn’t quite as together on the move (although the floor didn’t help). I liked her outline, she was a little shorter in body and her head has a lovely expression.



1st Wright’s Caldera Coral Storm at Lassemista – Vey elegant in first appearance with very attractive outline and good stifle. Masculine head of correct proportions, would prefer a slightly darker eye. Ears well set with feathering, strong neck, level topline and carries tail well. He excels in his graceful driving movement when he gets in to his stride. BOB.

2nd Smart’s Cadanbyrig Marin – Solid brown bitch with a nice outline and in good coat. Pretty, feminine head. She had good bone for size and neat feet. Would prefer more level topline and a little more animation overall but she moved ok

Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland – 30th March 2024

JUDGE: Ian Sladden 


Open (1/0)

1st Thomson’s – SARSCOTTAH ECLIPSE 1yr (B) Lovely balanced dog when stood. Having a lot of fun today and giving the handler a bit of a hard time. When she comes together her movement is good but just a little messy at the moment at the junior stage. Correct head proportions. Moderate neck with a slight arch, good sloping shoulder. Topline level and held well when settled. BOB

Waverley Gundog Association – 2nd March 2024

JUDGE: John Abraham 


Open (1,0)

1st    Sarah Thomson’s Sarscottah Eclipse (B).

Just out of puppy. A really attractive & feminine bitch. Liked her head, ears set on high, well feathered & her overall outline when stacked. Strong front assembly, with good spring of rib, firmly built throughout and correct bend of stifle. Her movement was sound and stylish. BOB.

Manchester Dog Show Society – 18th January 2024

JUDGE: Jean Byrne 


PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st Roberts & Kent’s SARSCOTTAH DALGLISH

A pleasing youngster that presents a balanced outline. Masculine in head, good depth of flew, kind dark eye. Strong through neck, well developed in chest and has well muscled hindquarters with good thigh width. Shown in excellent sleek coat and good muscular condition. Moved away well but not so tidy in front movement, just needs to steady himself up and be more collected on the move. Res BD


OD (1 Entries) Abs: 0


A powerfully built dog, all male, well off for bone and substance. Very pleasing in head good proportions of muzzle and skull, kind dark eye and correct earset. He has well laid shoulders and matching rear angulation to give him excellent overall balance. At almost nine years his coat was not at its best, but he still has such sound and stylish movement to take BD


PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0


Really found this puppy attractive both in head and in her overall outline when stacked. Strong front assembly, with good spring of rib, firmly built throughout and correct bend of stifle. She is just approaching one year and I expect she will be a super bitch once finished, she was carrying more than enough weight today. BP


PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0


A really attractive and feminine bitch, lovely head and soft expression with ears set on high and well feathered. Correct front assembly with elbows tight in, she is well ribbed and has good rear angulation. .Her movement was sound and stylish, probably the best mover today. I considered her for Best Bitch but she lacks maturity at the moment and needs to fill out in chest, but that will come with time. Res BB.


It was a shame this young lady wasn’t co-operating today. She has a super head with good finish to flews and dark eye. She has good bone, deep in rib and strong loin. Difficult to assess her movement as she was very erratic, definitely worth spending time with this one as I expect she could do really well.


OB (5 Entries) Abs: 2


This bitch is very well constructed and balanced from every angle. Very pleasing head, dark brown eye and square finish to muzzle. Sound front assembly and has good depth, firm through body and correct sweep of stifle. On the move she is very precise and steady, I would prefer more animation and better use of tail. Presented in excellent condition and very well handled. Her overall attributes won her BB and BOB.

2nd Thomson’s SWZ CH CH EP. CH CZ IR SH CH. LUX JR CH.BENElUX SARSCOTTAH CHARIZMA. This seven year old has a lovely head with a kind expression and correct eye chiselling. She is strongly built with correct body proportions, well ribbed and has strong hindquarters with good width. Moved out on a long stride driving off strong hocks.


South of England Gundog Club – 17th December 2023

JUDGE: Victoria Wilkins 

I’d like to express a huge thank you to the committee for inviting me to do this appointment. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was able to judge many quality dogs and all exhibitors took my decision with grace. A big thank you to my steward, Louis, who was one of the best stewards I’ve had – kind, thoughtful and on the ball. Thank you. A very Merry Christmas to you all.


German Longhaired Pointers

Open (5, 3)

1st- Connor’s Caldera Crimson Glory at De Melvilles. Lovely feminine brown and white bitch who is nicely put together all over. I thought she had a delightful head – kind and expressive eyes and held well when stood, and on the move. Correct upper arm length for the breed, with good depth of brisket. In body she has the depth and good angulation fore and aft. She moved with style and purpose. Shown in hard, muscular condition – I can see this dog working out in all weather. A pleasure to judge and award BOB. 

2nd Connor’s Cadanbyrig Ice and Roses at De Melvilles. The muscling on this bitch was to die for – a real powerhouse of a dog. A youngster at only 12 months old and enjoying her moment in the ring. She had a lovely aristocratic head with correct ear feathering. Lovely strong neck leading into well-placed shoulders. She had a free, long-striding gait with drive, pushing off from her strong hindquarters. In body she needs to develop but this will come with age and I will be excited to see her in future. Delighted to award RBOB.

3rd Gale’s Cadanbyrig Fire and Ice

Hunt, Point & Retrieve Gundog Association – 19th November 2023

JUDGE: James Newton 

My thanks to the committee for the kind invitation and hospitality. I was most flattered to draw such a numerically strong entry for GSP and be given the opportunity to judge GLP for the first time. I felt this appointment ranks as one of my best so far for depth of quality within a breed and would like to thank all the exhibitors for their entries.


German Longhaired Pointer


Puppy (1,0)

1st Cadanbyrig Fire And Ice (Gale’s). This young dog is so age appropriate. Liked his well-proportioned head with correct eye shape and strong jaw. Decent forehand assembly with good bone and feet. Needing to develop into his middle piece, but he has time on side for that. Really liked his strong rear with correct angulation and firm hocks. Once settled, he carried himself well on the go-round with glimpses of sound front/hind action. Most promising with an excellent temperament! RBOB & BPIB, congratulations!

Open (1,0)

1st Sophisticated Lady (Thomas’). This bitch must be in her prime, loved her maturity through her body and obvious balance of correct angulation. Prettiest of heads of correct proportions with big open nostrils. Excellent flow from neck into shoulders with a long upper arm. Straight limbs with good fill of chest. Well sprung ribs with a strong topline and short loin. Wide through her thighs with firm hocks and broad pelvis. Absolutely sound on the move with a very attractive side gait. Excellent presentation. BOB, congratulations!


Gundog Society of Wales – 11th October 2023

JUDGE: Martyn J Rees 

My sincerest thanks to the Secretary, Officers and Committee for their invitation to Judge at this show today. Every appointment for me is a great honour. I was delighted with my entry. As always, I must extend my deepest thanks and gratitude to all the exhibitors for affording me the privilege of Judging their dogs – I really did have a wonderful day Judging.






1ST Ms S S Thomson, Sarscottah Eclipse: Whilst obviously very raw at just 8 months of age, she is balanced, of medium size and unexaggerated. Her muzzle and skull are in unison for her age, dentition correct, clean and complete, strong underjaw, clean neck of moderate length, very good forehand assembly, good width and depth to brisket, excels in bone quality all through, croup long with slight slope, tail set correctly, well bent stifles and parallel hocks. Moved soundly if not erratically at times and did enough to earn BEST PUPPY & RESERVE BEST BITCH.




1ST Mr J & Mrs S Speck, Sarscottah Du Specktacular: A very pleasing bitch of nearly 15 months of age – she presented today devoid of any coat although what coat she did retain was of good quality. Very well balanced full of breed type – it is very easy to see the potential that this bitch possesses once she matures. Excellent head and expression. Dentition, clean correct and complete. Clean and slightly arched neck with good layback of shoulder and return of upper arm. Clear and visible sternum. Long, well sprung rib cage leading to strong loin and well made hindquarters. Excellent bone and feet. Moved well and soundly.




1ST Mr D & Mrs A Wright, Caldera Coral Dawn at Lassemista: An extremely beautiful bitch of 20 months of age – presented and shown to the very highest of standards. So very feminine. So very striking. She presented a superb outline both when standing and moving. She retains a very good topline on the move. The very best of heads with correctly set ears. Her dentition was both correct clean and complete with a strong underjaw. She has desired moderate length of neck with slight arch, leading through to an excellent lay of shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Excellent brisket of very good width and depth and she is well ribbed back. Muscular loin. Strong, well- muscled hindquarters with super bone and feet with short nails. Moved well both fore and aft and presented a good open side gait when viewed in profile – so very free whilst in stride. In excellent coat and condition and showed and
handled to absolute perfection. BEST BITCH & BEST OF BREED


2ND Ms S S Thomson, Sarscottah Delux: Litter sister to my Junior Class winner I am presuming looking at my catalogue. Very well balanced full of breed type. Excellent head and expression. Dentition, clean correct and complete. Nicely arched neck of moderate length with good layback of shoulder and return of upper arm. Long, well sprung rib cage and well made hindquarters. Excellent bone and feet. Moved well and soundly.




1ST Mr Cottam, Sarscottah Cloudburst: I really did like this bitch in her class, full of breed type, very well balanaced and free fro exaggeration BUT in the challenge a change of handler meant that her show stance and movement was not replicated from that shown in this class – she would have received higher honours if that had been the case. 5 years of age so now looking at her very best. A lovely bitch and so very feminine with a lovely clean head and expression, very good bone all through. Correct, clean and complete dentition, clean neck into well placed shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm, good width and depth of brisket with visible sternum, moderate hind angulation, tight, neat feet with short nails, moved very soundly except in the challenge where she did not move to her best advantage. Presented to a high standard.




1ST Mrs L & Mr P & Miss S Thomas & Taylor & Richards, Sophisticated Lady: A bitch of approaching 5 years of age, presented in full coat. Of pleasing overall type and extremely well balanced. Very good head and expression with all dentition correct, clean and complete. Prominent sternum. Very good neck of moderate length and slightly arched into a good forehand assembly, ribs sprung, muscular loin, muscled hindquarters and moved soundly.




1ST Ms S S Thomson, Es Ch/ir Sh Ch/lux/ned Ch Swiss Ch Sarscottah Arris Ir Jnr Ch Cjw 16 Cw 17 Euro W21 Rsce W20 Ww20 W/w23: An absolutely top quality male of 8½ years of age, presented and shown to the highest of standards. This dog impressed me for his overall balance and very typical outline when stacked correctly. Excellent head shape, with dark eye and correctly set ears. Strong muzzle and under jaw with dentition which was both correct, clean and complete. Strong, slightly arched neck of moderate length. Clearly defined and visible sternum. Very good width and depth of brisket. Good length of rib cage with strong, loin muscular. His hindquarters are well
muscled and he has a moderate turn of stifle and excellent width of second thigh.. Excels in quality bone all through. Very good feet and short nails. On the move he is very sound and true, covering ground with ease.. Showed a good open side gait and driving from his rear quarters. BEST DOG & BEST VETERAN




1ST Mr D & Mrs A Wright, Caldera Coral Dawn at Lassemista

Mid Western Gundog Society – 1st October 2023

JUDGE: Jennifer Millard




P 1(0) 1. Gale’s Cadanbyrig Fire and Ice. 10 month old youngster, lacking weight but otherwise with much to like, balanced and moderate but not overly done, exceptionally sound on the move and so clean coming and going, a really relaxed attitude and a very promising prospect. BP.


G 1(0) 2. Speck’s Sarscottah Du Specktacular. 14 month old bitch at a slightly awkward age but I was immediately took by her adorable outgoing personality, I liked her for size and substance, with a good spring of rib and plenty of depth, she scores in construction to the fore and was sound on the move, balanced and workmanlike combined with femininity. RBOB.


O 1(0) 3. Thomas/Taylor/Richards’ Sophisticated Lady. A pleasing bitch with style and substance, her size appealed and she has a melting head and expression, good angles, not as clean coming and going as some but I liked her for type and maturity, not in the best of coats today but more than happy to forgive this. BOB.

City of Birmingham – 3rd September 2023

JUDGE: Richard Stafford




VD (1) 1 BD & BV Thomson, Ep/Lux/Ir Sh Ch/Dut Ch Sarscottah Arris, 8 years of age and not showing it super headed male who stood out for his balance and breed type, masculine head not over done in any way, correct ears and eye shape, well laid shoulders and good forechest, well bodied held his topline on the move, well angulated and muscled quarters which helped him power around the ring, shown in good coat.


PD (1) 1 Gale, Cadanbyrig Fire and Ice, raw 9 month puppy, pleasing head type and kind eye, correct coat colour to eye colour, correct depth of chest to elbow for his age, good bone and feet, moved as expected for age, he has a lot going for him and look forward to seeing him mature.


JD (1) 1 Res BD Roberts & Kent, Sarscottah Dalglish, this youngster appealed to me for his type and balance, solid liver with pleasing head and forechest, well boned and standing on good feet, deep through his chest, well bodied and angulated rear, shown in good coat and moved very well, should have a bright future.


LD (1) 1 Byrne, Caldera Coeur De Neige, 19 months l/w pleasing type, correct head shape and ear set. Well bodied with good bone and feet, super movement.


GCD (1) 1 Roberts & Kent, Sarscottah Dalglish.


VB (2,1) 1 McMinn, Ir Ch Lux Ch Int Ch Sarscottah Ava mit Tallis, 8 years super bitch, feminine head, clean through neck leading to well placed shoulders, enough bone and good feet, super depth of chest, well bodied with correct rib, strong quarters and moved well.


PB (3) 1 Smart, Cadanbyrig Snow Dancer 9 month solid liver with sweet feminine head, super front construction and well boned. Her top line needs to strengthen but this will come, well turned stifle, moved soundly and stood on good shaped feet. 2 Thomson, Sarscottah Eclipse, raw l/w 7 month a lot to like but played her handler up. 3 Connor, Cadanbyrig Ice and Roses at DeMelvilles.


JB (1) 1 Speck, Harvey Sarscottah Du Specktacular13 month solid liver, feminine head shape and correct eye colour, deep chest with good body, shown in good coat, with correct angulation, needs to tighten in rear movement. PGB (2) 1 & Res BB Wright & Wright, Caldera Coral Dawn at Lassemista with melting expression so feminine won on head shape in this class. Clean neck and shoulders, enough bone, very good movement held her top line on the move and standing, well muscled hindquarters show in good coat. 2 Connor, Caldera Crimson Glory at De Melville, another of good type, slightly smaller than the winner none the less similar attributes, pleasing
expression well bodied and moved well.


LB (1) 1 Williams, Wherrypoint Knight Fever, liver with pleasing head, well
boned, clean through the neck and well bodied, a little weak through the rear
end which spoilt her movement.


OB (3) 1 BB & BOB Thomson, Ep/Cz/IrShCh/Lux Jr Ch Sarscottah Charisma. Sweet feminine head, stood out here for her type balance and quality, clean through the neck and over the shoulders, deep chest and well boned, well muscled without any excess weight, super rear angulation moved very well covering the whole ring. 2 McMinn, Lux Ch Uptown Girl Hela Van De Boterakker To Talli, another quality female, solid liver with appealing head, clean shoulders and well bodied, ample bone and in good coat, she moved ok. 3 Thomas, Sophisticated Lady

National Gundog Association – 6th August 2023

JUDGE: Tracy Boyles

Due to the downpour halfway through judging, a quick dash had to be made to the indoor rings, this unsettled some of the youngsters. There are some weak rears creeping in, and some with a lack of drive, never a good thing and will need to be watched.




V D (1). 1 Thompsons ES Ch/IR Sh Ch/LUX/NED Ch Sarscottah Arris IR JUN Ch CJW 16 CW 17 Euro W21 RSCE W20 WW20 8-year-old, good bone, masculine head without being course, everything in the correct place, continues to move freely, just carrying to much weight today res BD.


PD (1). 1 Gale Cadanbyrig Fire and Ice 8-month-old, good head, and eye placement, has the correct reach of neck, flowing into well laid shoulders, ribs well sprung with the correct depth of chest, ribbed well back giving the correct height to length ratio. Moved out with drive, coat correct at this stage of development.


JD (1) Roberts & Kent – Sarscottah Dalglish a lot to like here, up standing dog developing nicely, head of the correct proportions, ears well placed, moderate length of neck, into well laid shoulders, front straight with a well-defined sternum, ample bone, and well ribbed, correct tail set, moved with reach and drive. BD


SBD (1) Gale Cadanbyrig Fire and Ice, as puppy.


ND no entries


GD 1: 1 Byrne Caldera Coeur de Neige Well grown with good bone, slightly broader in skull than I would prefer, neck of correct length, decent shoulder placement, would like more fill at the front, well sprung ribs, short in loin, moderate bend of stifle, well-muscled steady movement.


PGD no entries


OD no entries


VB 2: 1 McMinn IRCH Lux CH Sarscottah Ava mit Tallis Smart bitch good bone, balanced head, eye shape as it should be, well placed shoulders, well sprung ribs, good length of body with strong rear assembly moved with easy flowing movement. 2 Smart Cadanbyrig Evening Breeze feminine head, moderate length of neck, not the shoulder angles of one, correct length of body and at 12 years old moved out with purpose.


PB 3: 1 Thomson Sarscottah Eclipse a very promising puppy full of breed type and quality, balanced head and correct eye, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, ample bone, straight front, good sring of rib reaching well back, correct rear angles, tail set correct, for one so young she has all the making of a top winner and I considered her for higher honors BPiB. 2 Smart Cadanbyrig Snow Dancer decent head proportions for a youngster of this age, height to length ratio correct, enough spring of rib, balanced angulation, moved well. 3 Connor Cadanbyrig Ice & Roses at De Melvilles


JB 3: 1 Smart Cadanbyrig Snow Dancer as puppy, 2 Thomson Sarscottah Delux very unsettled today she has a decent head a dark eye giving a soft expression, very balanced all round, strong rear moved with drive. 3 Speck Sarscottah Du Specktacular


SBB 1: 1 Connor Cadanbyrig Ice & Roses at De Melvilles feminine head with a soft expression, good length of neck, into well-laid shoulder, straight front, would prefer more depth of chest, and a little bit more of her all round, moved soundly.


NB no entries


GB 2:(1) 1 Connor Caldera Crimson Glory at De Melvilles feminine bitch good bone, balanced head, soft expression in a nicely shaped eye, straight front tight elbows, ribbed well back, well bent stifles, effortless free flowing movement with plenty of reach & drive resBB.


PGB 2:(1) 1 Smart Questor Layla at Cadanbyrig Feminine head with a soft intelligent expression, forelegs straight leading to tight feet, well sprung rib, moved soundly.

OB 3: 1 Thomas & Taylor & Richards Sophisticated Lady another quality feminine bitch, well boned, deep square muzzle, dark well shaped eye, good length of neck flows into well-laid muscular shoulders, well filled front, good depth of rib, short loin and sloping croup carrying tail correctly, moved freely with drive, BB & BoB 2 Thomson Es/cz Ch/Ir ShCh Sarscottah Charizma Ir Jnr Ch Lux Jnr Deu jnr W/jnr17 WW 17/18/20/21 Typical head with a soft expression, strong neck leading into well placed shoulders, deep chest with a good spring of ribs, strong loin & very good rear angulation was not particularly happy today.3 McMinn Lux Ch Uptown Girl Hela Van De Boterakker to Tallis (Imp Bel)

Thame & Oxfordshire County Canine Society – 19th July 2023

JUDGE: Hilary Male (Malenbrook)






1st. Roberts & Kent’s Sarscottah Dalglish – Medium sized balanced dog who appealed for breed type, masculine head, correct ear set and feathering, moderate length neck into well placed shoulders, straight firm back, muscular loin, well bent stifle, moved with reach and drive. BOB


OPEN (1,0abs)


1st. Thomas, Taylor & Richards Sophisticated Lady – Feminine bitch, good head proportions, tight eye, clean neck, deep chested, good spring of rib, firm back, stifle well bent, moved soundly. RBOB


East Anglian Gundog Society – 7th April 2023

JUDGE: Daniela Pino Tranquada


What a lovely well run show – and a super sunny day for it. I had a great entry and so many super exhibits. Thank you for your support.




O (2, 1a): 1 BOB Wright’s Caldera Coral Dawn at Lassemista, what a really lovely girl – she was alone but I had great pleasure in just watching her – especially when she moved around the ring & she certainly defines “energetic”! She is raw & has all the excitable exuberance of youth being just 14 months but it is all there. Lovely frame with good body ratios & correct topline. Playful glint in her eye, clean neck, needs to fill out in the front & drop down but this will come with maturity. In lovely condition. She has an effortless ground covering stride – she moved across the ring in three to four strides such was her length of stride – it would be pleasurable to watch her moving out in a big open field.

Manchester Dog Show Society – 21st January 2023

JUDGE: Lee A S Cox


Thank you for accepting me as your replacement judge. 








1: ROBERTS, Mr David & KENT, Miss Dawn Sarscottah Dalglish, 6-month-old and clearly enjoying his day out. He is good for size and has a very pleasing head and expression. Decent lay of shoulder, chest dropping, and his coat is coming along. Once settled, he moved on the right track and held himself well. Delightful temperament. RBD and BP




1: ROBERTS, Mr David & KENT, Miss Dawn Sarscottah Dalglish




1: ROBERTS, Mr David & KENT, Miss Dawn Sarscottah Dalglish




1: THOMSON, Ms S CH EP.CH .LUX IR SH CH.DUT CH. SARSCOTTAH ARRIS, 7-year-old fully mature Br/w. Medium sized and all male in outlook. His head and expression pleases. He is sound to go over and moves out well. BD







1: CONNOR, Mrs Kathy B caldera crimson glory at De Melville, 11-month-old Br/w pleasing in outline and of the correct size. Sweet expression, soundest today of the class

2: THOMSON, Ms S SARSCOTTAH DELUX 6-month-old and just needs to settle in topline. She is good for type and has an excellent coat. Everything in the right place but it just needs for her head to engage in what she’s doing and then she’ll be away.

3: SPECK, Mrs Sarah Harvey Sarscottah Du Specktacular





2: SPECK, Mrs Sarah Harvey Sarscottah Du Specktacular, 6-month-old and
pleasing for type and shape. She has a very sweet head and expression, her
forehand is excellent, and she is balanced in angulation. Just needs to put her
brain in gear as her age told on the move. Super coat.




in outline and typical. Decent head and expression, correct topline and well-
set tail. Moved on the right track. Could possibly use her front a little more.


3: SPECK, Mrs Sarah Harvey Sarscottah Du Specktacular




Sarscottah Charizma. Mature bitch who excels on the move. She is super for
size and type, she has reach and drive but also a certain amount of style too.
Coat of correct length and texture BB & BOB

2: THOMAS, Mrs Lucia Sophisticated Lady, mature Br/w bitch of good size.
She pleases in head and is in excellent condition. A little soft in topline today
and she could have used herself a little more on the move. She was well
handled and her type is evident. RBB